April 25, 2006

Back home

I'm back, chanting mantras as much as I can and the 'entourage' allows me. Bought a couple of CDs too, so the KY classes will definitely improve :) I'll eventually learn how to put links to musics on the posts so you can enjoy my favourite tunes (mantras, pop music, etc) without having to hear me singing.

My apologies to the birthday girl - I'm sure the party was great..!
And Greetings to Vincent and Angie!! - I wish you plenty of wonderful days together, may life be such as you can keep as sweet and kind-hearted as I've met you.

For some 'weird reason', I also want to tell you "Happy Revolution Day!" (gosh, I don't recognize myself anymore).
The other thing I want to tell you is the more I go to Spain the less I understand how Portugal is going further down each day that passes while Spain seems to move on... Fuel 0,35 cts/ltr less, Diesel between 0,15 and 0,30cts/ltr less. ??? Kms and kms of nice green fields just after kms and kms of abandoned (or pretty much loooking like it) land... I do remember some of my Economics classes and I still can't understand it (or refuse to admit the real reasons).
It makes me think of a book I had to read while preparing my admission exam for the UCP (in 1992...), a book that I never forgot and intend to read again (as soon as I unpack all my boxes):
O Enigma Português de Francisco da Cunha Leão. And here is a nice post about the State of our Nation...

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