September 28, 2006

Kundalini Yoga - surpresa!

Vai haver uma nova aula de Kundalini Yoga no MSports. Quartas e Sextas de manhã, das 8h30 às 10h00. Em princípio, começamos dia 4 de Outubro, independentemente do número de alunos. Só tenho que confirmar com o ginásio.

A verdadeira surpresa foi minha... Hoje, ao chegar à aula, esperando os meus alunos habituais (3, 4,5...), vi 5 caras novas, já sentadinhos. Inicialmente, até pensei que se tinham enganado mas disseram-me que não. Bato assim o 1º recorde: depois de uma aula com 10 pessoas em Maio, hoje tinha 11! :) :) :) Claro que fiquei contente e agradeço os 'sinais'... :)
Step by step, dear friends, step by step.

September 24, 2006

Azulejos - III (Kitchen Tiles)






A perfect day

Woke up at 11h45... the alarm didn't ring at 9h15 as scheduled, which was great! ;) Had thought of going for a run in Albarquel but.. it'll be another day.

With Mom & David out on one of the Herbalife extravaganzas, I had the whole house (and the dog and the 5 cats) just for me. :)
After attending to the pets and putting the washing machine on (yes, I also do that once in a while), I sat for a great brunch: red and white grapes, corn bread with butter and cheese and a home made moccacino.
RTP 2 had a interesting good documentary on, about Global Warming.
I love these moments... "it's all so quiet"

The rest of the day was spent in front of the laptop, slowly catching up with the 403 unread e-mails on my Inbox (mostly images that I'll eventually delete without even opening the messages), plus all the already read but not yet answered emails of those friends who keep on writing in spite of my silence. Thanks for all the Love, the laughters and, last but not the least, the photos of newborns :)

September is passing so quickly... the weather changing and my dear Autumn arriving. Can't wait to feel the smell of roasted chestnuts on the streets, of the earth after the rain... So many things showing our preparation for the small yearly reclusion while the days are shorter.
Hopefully, I'll soon move into my 'palace', where you're invited to come on the colder nights for a cappuccino or some exotic tea. ;)
(beer only next year, when the hot days return. Eheheheh!)

September 22, 2006

Huey Lewis... :)

We've had some fun, and yes we've had our ups and downs
Been down that rocky road, but here we are, still around
We thought about someone else, but neither one took the bait
We thought about breaking up, but now we know it's much too late

We are bound by all the rest
Like the same phone number
All the same friends
And the same address

Yes, it's true, (yes it's true) I am happy to be stuck with you
Yes, it's true, (yes it's true) I'm so happy to be stuck with you
'Cause I can see, (I can see) that you're happy to be stuck with me

We've had our doubts, we never took them seriously
And we've had our ins and outs, but that's the way it's supposed to be
We thought about giving up, but we could never stay away
Thought about breaking up, but now we know it's much too late
And it's no great mystery
If we change our minds
Eventually, it's back to you and me

Yes, it's true, (yes it's true) I am happy to be stuck with you
Yes, it's true, (yes it's true) I'm so happy to be stuck with you
'Cause I can see, (I can see) that you're happy to be stuck with me

We are bound by all the rest
Like the same phone number
All the same friends
And the same address

Yes, it's true, (yes it's true) I am happy to be stuck with you
Yes, it's true, (yes it's true) I'm so happy to be stuck with you
'Cause I can see, (I can see) that you're happy to be stuck with me
(yes it's true) I'm so happy to be stuck with you
I'm happy to be stuck with you
Happy to be stuck with you.

Não acham...

...que o dia hoje tem uma luz fantástica??

Casa IV - House IV

Amanhã, vão instalar as torneiras e o esquentador. Segunda, terminam as janelas da sala.
Só falta a instalação eléctrica e as pinturas - tudo de branco. Em princípio...

Que acham de reciclar o frigorífico para fazer um armário p/cozinha ou... um móvel original para a sala?
Filipa, a Ana não pintou o frigorífico dela?


Tomorrow, I'll have the tabs installed and the water-heater (chauffe-eau, I don't know how to say it in English). Monday, the living-room windows will be finished.
Next and last step before I can move: check the electricity and painting all the rooms. In white. I think...

What about recycling an old fridge to make an extra cupboard for the kitchen or an original bookshelf?

September 09, 2006

Azulejos - II

As cores no post anterior fornecem uma pista para o look final da minha cozinha. Fui lá na quinta mas esqueci-me completamente de tirar a fotografia. Terão que esperar mais uns dias...

Para não assustarem com os comentários no Azulejos - I, eu dou mais uma pista: coloquei uma barrinha que se chama 'Dune carioca'.

Entretanto, decidi entregar as pinturas a profissionais. Para ver se me mudo antes do Natal de 2007 ;)
A outra decisão da semana foi deixar os móveis da cozinha com a cor original da madeira (eu sei que o sr. Neca vai achar uma boa decisão). Depois de lá estar, logo vejo se gosto deles assim ou se os mudo de cor.

And that's all on this week's house update!

September 06, 2006

Azulejos - I

Começaram hoje a pôr os azulejos na cozinha!!

Amanhã vou lá ver e tiro uma foto :)

September 03, 2006

Já voltei!

As férias foram óptimas :-) mas curtas... :(
(dizem vocês: "não são sempre?")

Dormi bué!! Comi muito bem, fartei-me de rir com os meus manos e tive muitos abracinhos e beijinhos daqueles que queres que não acabem nunca. O mar estava esplêndido, com uma Força que nos dá força.

Passagem pela Noélia - delicioso como sempre!

Palavra das férias: 'soppy!' Decididamente! Lol!

Decisões das férias: algumas, principalmente a nível de tempos e de prioridades. ;)

Amanhã, já recomeçam as aulinhas - preparem-se para me ajudar a divulgar as aulas novas e antigas (mas... acham que eu tenho amigos para quê??) - e a vida normal. O que significa que vou estar por mais por cá. E mais no Starchild. E mais perto de vós.

E agora... vou-me pisgar, vou jantar fora. Depois, ponho os links neste post.
Ah, o casamento foi muito giro, um dia/tarde super-agradável, depois conto. Beijos!