May 21, 2006

A really nice weekend

Yoga at the park of Montijo - lovely... :) I'll see if I can schedule a class outdoors every month, during Summer.

Yoga for kids in Mafra - just two kids but it was really funny!... I had a great time!
Finally, the classes of Kundalini Yoga in Mafra won't be starting yet. With the Summer coming, classes on Saturdays afternoons don't seem so 'apetizing'. I was looking forward to teaching the kids but I'm also happy to have Saturdays off. More or less, as activities seem to be piling up already!...

Dinner & evening at "Neca d'Almeida's" :) Gui is absolutely irresistible. Or maybe I'm just getting softier by the day.
On the topic of 'irresistible babies', read RAJ on Visão of this week for a good laugh!

Cool Sunday - playing 'petanque' and table tennis with Dany, I read a whole Visão! :) and had a lovely day with the family of Livramento.
The cherry on top of the cake? "My Family" Does anyone watch it? It's GREAT!! On RTP2, round 11.30pm.

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