April 30, 2007

English class

a post in draft for ages


2nd day - I got a big hug from one of the kids, cool! :)
3rd day - I had to put on my sergeant attitude but... I'm loving the classes!

Being with the kids is a 'fresh breeze' for the soul, and I'm forced to review the way I act, think, speak...
Plus I really enjoy to teaching, seeing their progress and the joy of learning new things.
I have 8 kids between 8 and 9 years old, and am in love with them all! :)


Nessa said...

I have great respect for teachers, especially those who are really passionate and committed in their duties. Some teachers in my country become teachers purely for the money. The education system really needs a revamp. I can never be a teacher because I really have little patience:). But I do love kids, except brats of course..hehe

Susana G Santos said...

Hi, Nessa, in Portugal you don't get much money by being a teacher...
I'm not an English teacher myself, just teach this course once a week, at a Social Centre. They needed somebody and couldn't find a volunteer teacher. I love teaching (I'm studying to become a Kundalini Yoga certified teacher), really enjoy speaking English and wanted to work more with kids.
I hope you enjoyed Labour's Day!

Nessa said...

In Malaysia teachers can become rich especially when they have tuition classes. Volunteering is noble indeed. BTW, what is Kundalini Yoga? I enjoy whatever holidays I get:)

Jose Correia said...

Oi mana

Very true when you said: "and I'm forced to review the way I act, think, speak..."

kids especially when they are younger absorb everything they see, especially from the parents, and then perceive that as the normal behaviour... so its so important for parents, teachers, etc to become more aware of how they act, think and speak... like Ghandi said "be the change".. ;-)


Susana G Santos said...

Hi, Nessa, yes, here we have tuition classes too and they charge a lot! But there are many, many teachers doing it and most of them because they don't have a full schedule at school. I have some friends teaching and they're not rich, though you could easily say middle-class, I guess.
Kundalini Yoga is a style of yoga, you can find out more on www.3ho.org.

Oi, José :)
Nice to see you here!
Yes, kids are like a sponge aren't they. It's incredible how much we learn from them and about ourselves while interacting with them. No way for repetitive behaviour if you're dealing with them, one has to become creative and fast - in everything ;)