June 21, 2006

My what and whereabouts...

I'll stop e-mailing and sending messages booking days and schedules for coffee, I keep changing!... Yeah, ok, what's new, right?...

Anyway, I'm here, I don't forget you but I really have to get some work done. Although I'm trying to go out once or twice a week, trying to keep a foot on the outer world, I think I have to behave this week.

- No news about my house rehab. Don't ask (please), I'll keep you posted.

- I'm trying to finish a translation today and have two more to go. Until June 27th. They're paid, so you understand if they're the priority, right?

- Kundalini Yoga classes are going fine. I feel comfortable doing it, trying to make the best exercises for everybody and it's great to hear the students' feedback and how they feel their life (or their perception of it) is changing with time.

- Yes, I am a Ayurvedic massage therapist. I know not many of you know it (apart from the lucky ones who have received a massage ;)). As with almost everything that regards my presence, you have to book a schedule; even if it is at your place.

- I'm organizing a few workshops with Siri Prakash - in Portugal from July 4th to August 3rd -. I'll send the flyers by e-mail to everybody, hope to have them before the end of the week. We'll have a special Full Moon class on July 10th (in Setúbal) and a special New Moon class on July 25th (also in Setúbal). You're more than welcome!
Siri Prakash is also a numerologist. So, if you're in a moment of your life when you'd like to know more about yourself and what-to-do-next, if you need a hand on bringing out that professional or life desire carefully kept in your heart, think about booking a session. I won't miss the opportunity! (of course! :))

- I'm travelling to Jerusalem on June 28th (I hope.. the agency should confirm the ticket today). A few days of holidays and Rasha and Fadi's wedding. No need to tell that I'm thrilled to go back! I think Jerusalem is my 2nd home... And I'm really happy to be present on that day, after all we've spent 1,5 years working together, miss Rasha! I'll be back to Portugal on July 3rd.

Hmm... I think that's all for now.

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