March 04, 2006

Movies on TV last Sunday

Atila, the Hun The man is gorgeous!! Number two, just after Sandokan of course. The movie?… Well, good I think, for a Sunday afternoon. (I forgot I’m supposed to write down some intelligent stuff once in a while…)

Behind the enemy lines Now, this one is also a Sunday movie, but could be a Monday or Thursday evening movie. I quite liked it actually.
It was interesting to see Owen Wilson doing something else than the usual clownish role (that I think he does well). And though they don’t go deep on the analysis, the movie mentions some important issues of the forgotten conflicts. The action takes place somewhere on the territory of Bosnia/Serbia.
Rent it or buy it in Philippines, it’s worth it.

(Soundtrack: my mom saying every 10 minutes “ai, coitadinho, coitadinho…” “Eu não acredito que ele vai morrer” which we can shortly translate by: "Oh, poor dear, I can't believe he's going to die").

Why am I so vague about the movies? I think I was filing my mail of the last 5 months while watching…

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