March 14, 2007


Still here,
Still alive,
Still lost in translation...
On my tea break, right now. Don't you love the light at this time of the day? Fresh mint leaves tea, if you want to know. Bio, from D&A's :-)

Funny... A few years ago, I've worked on the translation of the handbook of a previous version of the same type of machine. I don't remember well, but I think it was never finished. - Not needed anymore? I switched jobs?
Concluding cycles, I wonder...?

(if you're my yoga student, I'd rather if you don't read the rest)
I'm living on Herbalife shakes, different sorts of tea, fruits, chips and Coconut-Praline Divines (num Pingo Doce perto de si); mind my stomach is much better this week. Juni takes me out twice a day (which might be the very reason why she's here after all...), little jogging round the block included on the evening tour, that we both mooovvveee!
Music: Pandora radio on hold, that I'm not distracted "wow!what's this? cool!!". My WMP has everything I need: Sting, Crash Test Dummies, St Germain, Luar na Lubre, Sakya Tashi Ling, etc etc James Blunt,...
Bye, back to work!


Anonymous said...

confesso que já estava um pouco preocupada, que se passava contigo??
já entendi estás hibernada, estou com saudades de um cafe com muitos miminhos...
lanço o meu apelo ao Universo sei que ele conspirará para que os nossos caminhos se cruzem ;)
Beijo doce como tu

Anonymous said...

ok, podemos substituir o cafe do outro comentario por "cacau quente"!!!!! €)(olha os meus olhinhos esbugalhados)

Susana G Santos said...

Alma Amiga...! Tb tenho saudades tuas e coisas para contar, tudo se vai esclarecendo ;), és simplesmente brilhante!
Só não percebi porquê mudar de chá para cacau quente... Aliás, tenho que me pôr a dieta rapidamente - "Amanhã! Não, segunda é melhor dia.", como diria o Garfield...