October 08, 2006

Book selection

I got up this morning to find my Dad arranging books with covers 'yellowed' by time on the garden table and around the pool. "What are you up to?" "It's the book fair", he said.
Reading-addicted and a words' lover, he has been collecting books since he was young, part of which were kept in boxes over the last 20 years... This weekend was the final selection: what to keep and what to put away, or rather donate to the library of Montijo; if they don't want them, then maybe some second-hand bookshop will. Or we'll just send them to Hay-on-Wye. :-)

I love books, I love to read. And have actually decide I'll reorganize my own library when I move. I don't have enough room to keep all the books I have and, more important than that, I'm not interested in all the books I have. Plus, like they say when explaining bookrings, "books are meant to be read".
Now, seeing all those books, some of them bought even before I was born, was... too tempting. "Where did you say you had the books you're giving away?" "On a box, in the office." "Can I have a look?"

So, I've spent a few hours browsing through one of the boxes, reading phrases and full pages and putting away some 'acquisitions' for my library. After all, reorganizing can include getting a few important classics or a book from some important/relevant author I have never read. Right?
You can see the full list next door (here). And you can borrow some, of course, I'll need some time to read them all.

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