March 05, 2007

New rhythm

Having a dog has surely changed my life.
Take today, for instance. With no classes in the morning, I'd probably stay in bed until 9ish, even having work to do.
Juni decided to wake me up at 5.40am... I sternly sent her back to her bed. In the living-room, as in not my bedroom's carpet and not the couch (hip!hip!hurrah!).
At 7.15am, she was by my bed again. "Is the sun up already?, well, OK, let's move even if the alarmclock won't ring before 8am... :s "

Good thing is I was able to enjoy a nice quiet walk and the fresh morning and it felt good to be outside. Back home, I set myself to clean up the house (next house will definitely have a terrace/yard and the dog will be outside!) and, by 11 o'clock, I was sitting ready to work, house clean and smelling nice, laundry on the line and with a good feeling of accomplishment. I wonder if that's what feeling like a grown-up is...


Unknown said...

I only have one question, does the dog understand English?
I'm seeing a lot of Anglo-Saxon lately on this blog.
Does this mean something? Are you in need of a new Terry what's is name Pratchet book?
Humm, I wonder...

Dogs are fun by the way, but kids are worse. :D

Susana G Santos said...

Well,I have 6 answers for your 'one' question (that'll teach you...)
1. The correct spelling is 'wossname' ;)
2. Thanks for the offer but I should first deal with 4 books borrowed from 4 different ppl, before Juni bites another one of them. I'll sure accept your offer some time in the future, I'm missing my dear TP...
3. I have 2 books that might interest you: City watch trilogy (though you 'prolly' have it)& Firebirds - anthology of fantasy & scifi (bought 10 days ago)
4. I haven't checked if Juni understands English... Good idea, man!
5. Writing a few posts in English is a faint attempt to keep my foreign friends updated though the new translation on the block might have some influence.

By the way, if you think 1 kid is fun wait until ou have two... ;)